Uniform and equipment

Parents who seek admission to The Cowplain School are assumed to be fully supportive of the uniform requirements.
The final decision on all matters of uniform and personal appearance rests with the Principal and the Leadership Team.
The Cowplain School Uniform
- Plain white shirt with traditional collar
- The Cowplain School tie *
- The Cowplain School blazer *
- Plain black jumper or sleeveless slipover
- Plain black narrow belt, no wider than 3cm
- Plain black straight legged school trousers (skinny legged, cropped or leggings are not allowed)
- The Cowplain School pleated skirt *
- Plain black shoes - should be sturdy and waterproof, low heeled and fully enclosed; colours, visible logos and canvas shoes are not acceptable. A guide to suitable school shoes can be found in Resources.
- Coats should be weatherproof, front opening and not have large logos. Hoodies, tracksuit tops and denim are not permitted.
- Hats and caps should not be worn on the school site, gloves and scarves should be removed in lessons.
- All students are expected to wear The Cowplain School blazer over the jumper or slipover.
* These items must be purchased from a uniform supplier. Our current supplier is Skoolkit in Havant or online at www.skoolkit.co.uk; however, others may be available.
PE Kit
- Plain black shorts (appropriate for sport)
- The Cowplain School polo shirt ** (or plain white polo shirt)
- The Cowplain School half-zip PE top ** (optional, not for rugby) A plain, warm top (not hoodie) is acceptable for outdoor PE during cold weather. Please note, this must be a different top to the jumper worn with the school uniform.
- The Cowplain School Rugby shirt ** (optional)
- Long green football socks for lessons on the Astro
- White (sports or ankle) socks for all other PE lessons
- Sports trainers (not plimsolls)
- Gum shield (compulsory if studying rugby)
- Shin pads (recommended for hockey and football)
- Football boots to have short rubber studs (Compulsory for lessons on the Astro for at least 12 weeks of the year.) Examples of football boots, that can and cannot be worn on the Astro, can be found in Resources.
- Navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms (not leggings) may occasionally be permitted for outdoor wear only during cold weather, at the teacher’s discretion.
- Students should have a complete change of clothing for all Physical Education activities. Outdoor activities take place whatever the weather.
** These items can be purchased from a uniform supplier. Our current supplier is Skoolkit in Havant or online at www.skoolkit.co.uk; however, others may be available.
- Hairstyles should not be unusual, excessively short (Grade 1), tramline, zig zag or dyed unnatural colours.
- Jewellery: one small plain stud may be worn in each earlobe and a wristwatch. No other jewellery is permitted. All other jewellery will be confiscated.
- Piercings are not permitted on Health and Safety grounds set out by The Cowplain School. Students will be asked to remove extra studs and the fact that the piercing is in the process of healing will not be an acceptable reason.
- Nose piercings are not permitted, including those with clear retainers.
- Make up is not permitted in Years 7, 8 or 9 and should be discreet in Years 10 and 11. False eyelashes and excessive eyeliner is not considered discreet.
- Nails: gel and acrylic nails are not permitted on Health and Safety grounds and students will be asked to remove them. Nail varnish is not permitted in any year group.
- Coats should be weatherproof, front opening and not have large logos. Hoodies, tracksuit tops and denim are not permitted.
- Hats and caps should not be worn on the school site, gloves and scarves should be removed in lessons.
Students must come to school every day with the correct basic equipment. These items are checked in Reflection Time by their Tutor, and positive points awarded for those students who arrive fully equipped to school. They are:
- A pen
- A pencil
- A ruler
- A green pen
- A highlighter
The following items would be highly recommended:
- A bag suitable to carry equipment for school
- A calculator
- Diary (supplied by the school)
The following would be useful:
- Colouring pencils or pens
- A protractor
- A set of compasses
- A pencil sharpener
- An eraser
- A pencil case