
Great attendance at The Cowplain School - We need your help!
Great attendance is essential to ensure that students benefit from the maximum number of learning opportunities. We know that students who attend regularly get more from their education, take part in a wider range of activities, achieve better examination results relative to their ability and find better employment than those who do not attend regularly.
Therefore, it is our joint responsibility as adults, to make sure that each child attends as often as possible. In addition, we must work to ensure that students arrive in school and at lessons on time and that all timetabled activities begin on time.
We expect all students to miss less than 10 days of school each academic year. Data published by the Department for Education from 2019 shows that 84% of pupils who attended school every day achieved the expected progress standard, compared to 40% of pupils who were persistently absent. With great attendance comes great attainment.
When a student has poor attendance other issues can develop including a drop in self-confidence and sometimes barriers appear regarding return to school. At Cowplain, if a student is not in school and their attendance levels drop we have a legal responsibility to investigate to find out why and to help improve matters quickly.
Please take the time to view the linked resources on this page which explains the framework we operate within to manage attendance at The Cowplain School.
Our Attendance Guide can be found here - Attendance Guide.
Guidance regarding school attendance and everyday illnesses can be found via
The Attendance Policy can be found in Useful Information.
Leave of Absence
Parents are expected to complete a Leave of Absence form for all term time absences other than medical/dental appointments. Permission for family holidays in term time will not be granted.
When students are granted exceptional circumstance leave, eg for a bereavement or funeral, the length of time requested will need to be 'of a reasonable period.' Students are encouraged to return to school as soon as they are able and can access a range of support. Requests for such absence should be on the Leave of Absence form if notice is able to be given. If not, a telephone call is expected as soon as possible.
Wherever possible, medical and dental appointments should be made out of school hours. If the appointment must be made in school time please ensure your child is at school for as much of the day as possible.
Please consider the impact on attendance and grades when your child has a period of absence from school. Further education providers and employers will ask for school attendance records when considering placements for young people.
The Leave of Absence Form can be found in Resources.