Behaviour For Learning

‘You deserve disruption free learning every minute of every lesson.’
At The Cowplain School, we pride ourselves on promoting excellent behaviour for learning. At the heart of learning are our school values: grit, mindfulness, optimism, gratitude, curiosity, self-assurance, kindness, and self-control. These values form the basis of our behaviour for learning approach and combined with positive behaviour management strategies, we aim for all students to achieve their potential.
Our school rules are clear and shared with all students. It is our expectation that every student:
- Respects the rights of teachers to teach and students to learn, not disrupting the learning of other students in any way.
- Shows a positive attitude by ensuring work is completed to a high standard and is handed in on time.
- Is polite to members of staff and follows their instructions without argument.
- Is punctual to lessons and has the correct equipment.
- Does not engage in any form of bullying or intimidation, and reports this behaviour to a member of staff.
- Wears the correct school uniform at all times.
- Leaves lessons only with written permission from a teacher.
- Behaves safely and sensibly when moving around the school site and at break times.
- Does not bring in anything unsafe which might cause harm to another person.
- Does not smoke or vape on the way to or from school, or on the School site, or interfere with fire safety equipment.
- Does not use a mobile phone or other electronic entertainment device on the School site during school hours.
- Treats all school visitors and members of the local community with respect and courtesy.
- Represents the school appropriately whilst on school trips or in public.
- Cooperates fully with members of staff by telling the truth.
- Respects school sanctions imposed as a result of breaking a school rule.
Positive behaviour strategies
Occasionally children do not follow the rules as well as we and they would like and expect. We therefore try to work with them to ensure we and they acknowledge this and aim to be better. This may mean a child accessing these strategies, as detailed in our behaviour policy, some of which are detailed below:
- High Report Report
- Restorative meeting between teacher and student
- Mentoring by Head of Year or other senior member of staff
- Dove Confident Me course
- Target setting by Head of Year – the formats of this will be different for the individuals involved
The Learning Room
During a lesson, if a student disrupts his/her own learning or the learning of others, they are given a warning. This warning is written on to the board, and the reason explained and linked to our school values. If the student disrupts learning again, they receive their second and final warning and are then asked to complete their learning in our Learning Room.
Whilst in this room, students are provided work from Maths, English, Science, History and Geography, to complete in silence. For each period a student is in The Learning Room, successfully completes the work, and displays good behaviour, they receive a tick. Once a student has achieved three ticks, they are then allowed back into their normal timetabled lessons.
When in The Learning Room, students must hand in their mobile phones. These are locked away in a filing cabinet which only the staff on duty have access to. Full and appropriate school uniform is also to be worn when in The Learning Room.
The Learning Room is supervised by the Senior Leadership Team and members of our Pastoral Team.
First Impressions Card
First impressions count and form part of our promotion of excellent learning behaviour. All students are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times. Additionally, students must be properly equipped for school, follow staff instructions and switch off their mobile phone. Should these rules not be followed students receive a warning on class charts.
Once a student has three warnings, the student will be issued with a detention. If a student comes into school in incorrect uniform, they will be placed in The Learning Room until their uniform has been adjusted to be in line with our uniform policy.
Uniform, Appearance and Equipment