Home Learning

Home Learning
At The Cowplain School we believe that for students to be successful at school, they must complete additional learning at home. Home Learning is important as it equips students with vital life skills such as personal organisation, time management and meeting deadlines. It also develops in our students the characteristics of independence, grit, reliability and self-control.
Our Home Learning programme reinforces the skills taught in school and encourages the recall of key concepts and information. It is part of the curriculum in all years and for all students. Home Learning is necessary for the delivery of the full curriculum and therefore raises standards and helps students meet or exceed their Target Grades.
Home Learning promotes the involvement of family members and other adults in children’s learning, and it encourages the use of the resources of the school and community. It should be seen as a positive enhancement to learning by students, teachers and parents.
In Years 7 to 10, the Cowplain School provides students with a Knowledge Organiser to support Home Learning. A Knowledge Organiser holds the most important information about a topic to support students learning this content. Students will be provided with a paper copy, and electronic copies will also be available. Teachers will set Home Learning tasks designed to support the learning of this key information from the Knowledge Organiser.
In Year 11, Home Learning tasks will vary dependent on the subject being studied. It will be well thought through by subject specialists to help ensure your child is supported in their final GCSE exams.
Please see the overviews below which indicate the frequency and type of Home Learning to be set for each year group in all subjects.
Year 10 Home Learning Overview
Year 11 Home Learning Overview
All Home Learning tasks are set on ClassCharts so students can access them easily and parents can monitor the completion of tasks to support their children effectively. If your child is having trouble accessing ClassCharts, please ask them to speak to their tutor in the first instance. ClassCharts will show a clear deadline for each Home Learning task set.
All Maths Home Learning tasks are set on MathsWatch and students are provided with separate log-in details for the MathsWatch website from the Maths Department.
For students that show an excellent effort in Home Learning tasks, they will be awarded a Home Learning specific Praise Point on ClassCharts.
Parents are asked to:
- Provide support for their child to complete Home Learning in terms of a quiet place to work, help with prioritising their time at home, encouragement and praise.
- Check ClassCharts on a regular basis and support their children in ensuring that the tasks are handed in on time.
- Contact individual subject teachers if they have concern about the Home Learning tasks set and/or their child's record of completion.